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Mom of the Month

Welcome back to our monthly #MEETTHEMAMAS series where we feature our MAMAS here at FIT4MOM Folsom Lake.

This month, let's meet Jenny Whitten! This glowing and always positive Mama of 2, joined us 2 years ago when she discovered our Body Back program. She has consistently shown up month after month to devote time to her overall wellness, health, fitness and community. As a local dietician, she is a very busy Mama, yet carves time out for herself in the name of self care each week. She is always welcoming and ready, always has a smile on her face (yes even during burpees) and we have all come to love her dedication and commitment. Let's get to learn a little more about Jenny!

1. Hometown?

Sacramento, born and raised. I went to college and came right back home when I graduated.

2. Who is in your family?

My husband, Hunter (10 years in May!), my son Benjamin (6), daughter Addison (5), and our two yellow labs Frank and Danny

3. Current or previous career?

I am dietitian at Sutter Medical Center downtown, and I specialize in pediatric and neonatal nutrition. I love watching babies grow.

4. Childhood dream/ambition?

I always told my parents that I wanted to be a doctor/waitress/babysitter and I kind of found a perfect balance of all of those, between my work and being a mom, haha.

5.What does motherhood mean to you?

Oh man, it means trusting my gut even though sometimes I feel like I have no clue what I'm doing. It means loving tiny humans so much I want to chew on them. It means making sure my kids know that I'm a constant in their lives, no matter what. It's the most gratifying thing I've even done.

6. What is the furthest you have been away from home?

London! It was freezing.

7.How did you find FIT4MOM?

My dear mama friend Lauren Neff invited me to join a body back session almost 2 years ago and I've been hooked ever since.

8. How has it impacted your life?

It has literally reminded me to take care of me. I needed to remember that taking an hour to myself isn't selfish and, in fact, it makes me a much better mom and partner.

9.Favorite exercise?

I love rows and I love a good squat

10. Proudest Moment?

Big moment: When I passed my exam to become a registered dietitian.

Small moments: every time someone compliments us by saying that our kids seem happy. That's the ultimate compliment for me.

11. Something about yourself that would surprise us?

I am incredibly shy. Meeting new people and talking to them always makes me extremely nervous, but I continue to work on it all the time. I hate to feel like I might miss out on something just because my shyness is holding me back.